If you've made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are one of the few to have found your solution to the absurd contact lens prices out there. For years you have heard about how great a deal it is to buy a year supply and get a rebate. At first it was a mail in rebate and you were lucky to see the $30 check come in the mail within 3 months. I remember getting a rebate check 6 months later and had completely forgotten that I even sent it in! How many of us, year after year, have every intention of submitting that rebate, but year after year, completely forgot to do it. Ever started the process, get busy with a call, or that toddler won't let you have 5 minutes to fill out the forms and send it in? Dr. Bladh understands completely how you feel! For this reason we have started our own monthly subscription service in order to take the pain out of contact lenses for good!

Contact lenses are God's gift to the optical world and we want to share that gift with everyone! It's a funny thing to be passionate about, but we are. Our service is simple, we deliver contact lenses to wherever you prefer, i.e. work, home, vacation, etc. all while paying a monthly fee for the lenses. Our prices start at $29/month for SV Monthly contact lenses and we deliver to you until the prescription has expired. It's that simple. Each person's eyes are different, which is why there are so many different types of contact lenses on the market. We started offering the service this year to our patients in the office and it's been going so well we decided to open this up and offer this to anyone with a contact lens prescription.

With some negotiating we have been able to secure the backing and support of every major contact lens manufacturer and can offer any lens you need, or currently wear, at a price that won't break the bank. Pricing is based mostly on modality for instance any Monthly Single Vision contact lens is $29/month. So instead of paying $250-350 for one visit, you can break that up over the year and have the contact lenses mailed to you monthly so you never have to worry about how long you've been wearing you contacts and if you should clean them or just toss them. Once the new lenses come you can replace them with a fresh set and move on with your life! We send you extra sets for your first order just in case one of them rips, or there is a manufacturer defect. Doesn't happen often, but we don't want you to be out of contacts. If you have questions or want to know more please comment below or call our office at 909.861.3737. We can get you the comfort and relief that you deserve.


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