There are many different reasons to purchase a pair of glasses with anti-reflective coating 😎. The most popular reason will probably come as no surprise, but it's actually cosmetic. The functionality of the coating has many benefits from light sensitivity, clarity, health and of course cosmetic. One of the most fascinating facts you might not know is that anti-glare coating has been around for almost 100 years! It was really regarded as a trade secret with the Carl Zeiss Optics Company used in WWI before taking mainstream several generations later. The coatings would be applied to camera lenses in order to pick up clearer pictures of terrain and enemies from a camera point of view, and when you look at any lens today it will have some form of coating on the actual lens to help take crisp and beautiful pictures. What filmmakers found was that applying the coating to glasses actually helped actors engage with audiences more efficiently🎥. Think about your grandpa's old ...