Vision Service Plan (VSP) has been an integral part of our doctors and it has been an emphasis in what we do here at Dr. Bladh's office . We are the VSP doctors of Diamond Bar, Walnut and Phillips Ranch that get you the most out of your vision coverage! We absolutely love helping our patients take full advantage of their vision benefits; for instance, have you ever heard of Acute EyeCare or Primary EyeCare? How about Diabetic EyeCare Plus or a 2nd pair benefit you didn't know you had? This post will explain some of the benefits that VSP members have, even thought they have no idea. For now, VSP is the only major vision insurance company to offer this type of benefit. They have always been trendsetters in the vision care industry so we assume other companies will follow suit but that remains to be seen. The following is a list of benefits offered to help our patients take full advantage of their VSP insurance: Primary EyeCare - This benefit is the big one. It pays ...