
Showing posts from 2014


We just received approval as the vision provider for Easy Choice Health Plan HMO at Dr. Bladh O.D. Inc . This particular HMO serves a large Medicare population in Orange and Los Angeles Counties. We've been trying to get approval with this medical group for quite sometime now and are so glad to see it finally happen. We get to add this new patient base to our ever growing list of insurances and provide the same, great quality care to this growing demographic. We work closely with Primary Care Physicians and this approval will help the reporting that doctors so desperately need in the ever-changing health industry. Our other location in Orange County was actually the impetus for us getting approval with this Medicare health plan and we want to sent the staff and doctors over there a special thank you! We couldn't have done this without you. If you're part of Easy Choice Health Plan HMO and you want to know what benefits you are approved for please don't he...


Retinal Imaging in our Diamond Bar office The  Optical Coherence Tomography  (OCT) machine is now installed and in full use at  Dr. Bladh Optometry ! We are so excited to bring this new technology from  Zeiss . We purchased the  Zeiss CIRRUS HD-Photo with Fundus Imaging and Glaucoma monitoring  capability in order to serve our patients better. This technology, along with our emphasis in the health of our patients eyes, will ensure that our patients receive the best care available. We've been able to catch early signs of  Macular Degeneration , diagnose  Glaucoma , catch  retinal detachments  before they've become too severe, along with many other benefits to having it. One of the requirements for  VSP to be a premier office   is to have retinal imaging capabilities and we've satisfied that with this purchase. Example of layers of the retina There were a number of machines that we looked at with the same general ca...

Flex Spending Account Information

USE IT OR LOSE IT!!! Flex spending has been around for years and still to this day I'm baffled at how many people just forget to take advantage of their untaxed dollars and treat themselves to something nice. For those patients who stumbled across this post and don't know what Flex Spending Accounts (FSA) are, there is a condition where the U.S. Government allows so many pre-tax dollars to be set aside from your paychecks to be used for medical bills. Even fewer people know that medical bills don't just coincide with medical procedures. Did you know that you can use Flex Spending dollars to purchase medical devices ? and a medical device can be a contact lens? or a pair of sunglasses? Yes! Every year we are flooded in December with requests and walk-ins who say to us, " I have so much money left to use by January 1st. What can I buy?" If you typically go to the doctor throughout the year, but this year was particularly healthy for you and (knock on wood)...


October is breast cancer awareness month . I find it hard to believe that some one has not been touched in some way by this disease. Those of us who have felt the reach of cancer are acutely aware of the consequences. It can be a very personal but yet all consuming tragedy at the same time.  Breast cancer is very real in our family. My precious wife of 34 years and I have been battling it for many years. We are grateful to the many doctors, researchers and staff that have helped us and so many others. There have been many advances but there is still much more to be done.   With this in mind, our office will be donating a portion of each frame sale to the Susan G. Komen Foundation to help fund the research that goes into eradicating this disease. Stop by the office to see our pink ribbons!  We hope you will join us, if not in our office then, in contributing is some way to this worthy and needful cause. 


Anybody who wears contact lenses while playing sports knows that they are much better than wearing the Horace Grant Goggles (circa 1992). To be fair by the time he got to the Lakers his style had changed a little, but let's be honest there was really only one way to go but up. My biggest worry now that all the kids will think this is a retro look and try to force a comeback for goggles,  but I digress.  If you are looking to wear contact lenses while on the field or in the court the best choice is Daily Contact Lenses, but if you are looking to stay within a budget then come and get the B & L Ultra Monthly Contact Lenses. There are only a certain number of offices in the entire United States that have been chosen to participate in the launching of these contact lenses and Dr. Bladh's office in Diamond Bar was one of those offices. As you can read from an earlier post the contact lens is much nicer than any of the monthly or 2 week lenses on the market. It retai...


Anne Klein has been an American brand icon for decades and is known for her ability to mix and match materials with modern styles that the American woman can wear. For those who follow this blog, you know the types of brands, styles and innovation we attract. Both the sunglasses and ophthalmic Anne Klein collections embody all of those requirements. We want to give a big thank you for this brand darling and what they represents by giving our patients 28% off for the entire month of September. Call our office for details at 909.861.3737

Bausch and Lomb Ultra Contact Lens

When disposable contact lenses were first introduced they were 2 week lenses. Recently most manufactures have been switching to either 1 day or 1 month replacement, because it's easier to remember. I have always been in the camp that shorter is better but around earlier this year, we were given the Bausch and Lomb Ultra lens to test out. It is only available in a limited number of offices (***shameless plug alert*** call us for a trial at 909.861.3737). Now I recommend it to every one for the following reasons:  1- It is a newer material which breaths more. Most of Our patient were in a competing lens which came out before the first iPhone. I'm afraid that you might have skipped over that last little tidbit so I'm going to repeat it again using uppercase letters. MOST CONTACT LENSES ON THE MARKET HAVEN'T BEEN UPGRADED SINCE THE FIRST IPHONE WAS INTRODUCED! 2- It has a better modulus which in English means it holds it shape better, is easier to ha...

Help Your Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome is an actual medical diagnosis; keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). The American Optometric Association lays out very nicely the cause, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. is a good resource for information regarding this as well. If you've ever been at a computer for too long or watched a movie and at the end of it you feel this gritty sensation when you actually close your eyes, you are experiencing what people with Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome experience almost every day. How awful would that be? Our eyes need lubrication! Tears provide a smooth optical surface, protect the eyes, deliver nutrients and make life more comfortable. Each time we blink we are supplying a fresh coat of tears to the optical surface and giving our eyes the benefits we discussed. Blame it on birthdays, but our eyes get drier over our lifespan. There are so many people living with this deficiency and just thinking it is a way of life, not realize how much better...


Dr. Bladh with his granddaughter who has autism There was just a great article written (that you can click here) portraying a multitude of facts and experimental diagnostic testing for #Autism by Karen Weintraub to try and speed up the official diagnosis. I know there is so much red tape in getting services approved, I'm just wondering if the reactionary nature of our society is causing us to find treatments and diagnosis rather than prevention. The article does a wonderful job explaining the problems in getting early intervention from the complexity of the disorder to the denial of caregivers, but I would like to see our society respond to Autism similar to some other epidemic problems we have faced. I've seen a number of theories and some compelling statistics, but it seems like prevention is taking a back seat in our culture. #AutismOptometrist


The entire month of April has been dedicated to Autism Awareness ! This month is every month in our family. There are very few persons untouched by this condition which seems epidemic. For you who know autistic children, and those on the spectrum, they are some of the purest, most angelic souls you will ever encounter. They are greatly misunderstood; just as they have difficulty understanding at times the confusing worlds that surrounds them. This misunderstanding can cause judgmental looks, exclusion from peers and frustration for both parents and friends. My granddaughter Elle is one of those affected with this challenge. She exudes pure love but is often misunderstood. We love her so much and thank God everyday she was sent to our little family. She has helped us learn some of the most fundamental characteristics that society should all encompass. We are extremely passionate about Autism Awareness and are taking this month of April to show our support for our local s...


To continue celebrating Dr. Bladh's 28 years of eye care service in Diamond Bar (and the 3 people following this blog) we wanted to let you know that our year long promotion continues with the ever so popular Ray-Ban brand . Receive 28% off any Ray-Ban frame in our office, ophthalmic or otherwise. Promotions are typically held for product that isn't selling very well, but our marketing is a little unorthodox and we want to thank Ray-Ban for being such a loyal partner with our practice. As with all of our promos we are giving away a free pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses for entering the drawing at the office. Thank you again for your continued loyalty with the practice and our little family.


We'll be sharing a little more often regarding our experience with Google Glass and how it's helping our industry of Sports Vision Training . We're very appreciative to Google for choosing us to be part of their Glass Explorer Program . With this particular post we're going to be using them on Daniel Robertson from the Oakland A's . We just met Daniel this year through Dave Coggin's facility PFA . He's really taken to the training and we're going to point out one particular area of Sports Vision that is so vital, yet overlooked by so many athletes. It's the ability to focus on one particular aspect to make you more efficient as an athlete. The theory is, when you focus on one particular detail, whether easy or difficult, the rest of your performance lets muscle memory take over and you're able to perform by letting your mind relax. The first video is of our athlete before we tell him to focus on something: You'll notice that we have...


img: For all the years that Dr. Bladh has been doing Sports Vision Training , we have wanted to have a product that we can use to see from the athlete's perspective; Google Glass has filled that void. Before Glass we had to tape a video camera on our athlete's head while they did drills and... let's just say it wasn't working out. We're very excited to announce that we just purchased a pair of Google Glass to use for our athletes so we can see the tendencies they have while doing drills, performing on the field, etc. This technology will give us real world Point-of-View (POV) so we can not only show the athlete what they might be doing wrong, but also use it in other types of training to help others avoid mistakes to make them more efficient. We'll release more videos as they come available with our athletes and their drills, but for now we just wanted to let our patient base and athletes know it's here and we can't wait to us...


A new month begins with a new promo, February has been chosen as our month of bebe Eyewear! Come celebrate with us for Dr. Bladh's 28 years serving the people of Diamond Bar with 28% off every bebe frame (sorry promo doesn't apply to insurance). We are giving away another pair of sunglasses from the bebe line so come in and put your name in for a raffle to be held the last day of February. bebe is known for its hottest styles for the sexy sophisticated woman. The name 'bebe' (pronounced as Bee-Bee) is a portmanteau derived from the soliloquy from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" in which eponymous Prince ponders: "To be or not to be". The name is never capitalized as it is a combination of two verbs forming a metaphorical verb as whole. Founder Manny Mashouf, who emigrated from Iran to the United States in the early 1970s came up with the name after a conversation that was had at a party he attended in San Francisco during the 1970s shortly be...


We've mentioned this topic briefly in previous postings, but we wanted to share a little more in depth information for those who have been asking. Dr. Bladh was contacted many years ago by Nike to be part of a pilot program for their Sports Vision Training division of the company. It was very hush-hush at first; Dr. Bladh was flown to Nike headquarters in Oregon to give his input as well as be trained on the new and exciting equipment Nike was developing. This actually made for great entertainment knowing what was coming out next and getting to use the tools on our athletes before anybody else was. We agree that name dropping is cliche and actually agree with Don Draper's sentiments " Endorsements are lazy " (name that episode) so we've chosen to keep our athletes names out of this post ( Matt Davidson ). Sports Vision Training is actually more complex than people realize( AJ Pollock ). Our first evaluation is with Dr. Bladh and he does a whole Sports V...


img: Yes in the world of Optometry , right here in Diamond Bar , we are converting to Electronic Medical Records or EMR. It's taken us a while, but we're finally ready to make the switch. We were looking for a company that we feel embody what we represent as a practice in innovation and ease of use to make the smoothest transition possible. After months of researching companies and EHR systems, we've finally have teamed up with a great company Vision Web using their Uprise technology to offer this transition. We'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say we feel like Vision Web provides a long term, permanent solution to our medical records needs. Now the only problem will be what to do with all of the space! Please let us know your suggestions. We were thinking of making a place for Dr. Bladh to practice his juggling...


img: We have been running this little promotion for a while now and decided to let everyone in on it. We track how many eye exams our doctors see each month and just to add to the fun we decided to make it interesting for our staff and reward our patients at the same time. We have a little tally marker in the front that the receptionists mark off after every check-in. It's fun to see our staff get excited for our patients. For every 100th patient that comes in we are giving a pair of movie tickets. Yes it's a small token, but everyone that's been our 100th patient has been just absolutely thrilled. We love keeping a smile on our patients face and making sure you walk away happy . Thank you for your continued support for our office and our company , we're very thankful for and value what you bring to our office.


We've always said that above all else, we are loyal to our patients. This focus has lead us to be drawn towards the most innovative and aggressive technology in the world of Optometry . For this reason, we are pleased to announce one of the most progressive contact lenses for our patients with presbyopia; the PureVision 2 Multi-Focal contact lens from Bausch and Lomb for presbyopia . We don't do a lot of business with B & L, but this lens is far superior than any other bifocal lens on the market. The predictability and ease of the lens separates this from its competition. The video above gives more information pertaining to the science behind the lens, but we've been using it for 3 months now and it's already one of our best selling bifocal lens. If you are interested in trying this lens out, please contact the office at 909.861.3737 to have our staff schedule an appointment with Dr. Bladh  for a free trial pair of these amazing contacts.


Dr. Bladh has been an Optometrist for 28 years and is one of the best eye doctors in his profession. We pride ourselves on customer service and making sure you leave our office satisfied . In order to celebrate Dr. Bladh's 28 years of service we are launching a year long promotion where we pick a brand that we carry and spotlight that brand for the entire month. During the spotlight we offer a 28% discount on that brand (yes, very clever 28 years, 28%); ophthalmic or sunglass, doesn't matter. This month we have decided to highlight one of our more successful brands and one that we have a great relationship: Michael Kors Michael Kors is a leading luxury brand with an influential global presence, that reflects the unique point of view of its namesake. He started his company 2 years before Dr. Bladh graduated from Optometry school and in quoting from their website he "has featured distinctive designs, materials and craftsmanship with a jet-set aesthetic th...